Straight forward door replacement
The wooden out-swing French doors on this West Seattle home were completely failed after years of direct exposure to weather. The solution? A new pair of flush-glazed fiberglass doors, prehung and completely painted prior to installation.
A careful measure up had shown that the new doors stocked by our supplier were going to be too tall to fit the existing opening. Rather than trim them to fit, voiding the manufacturer's warranty, the customer opted to special order the shorter doors. They felt it was worth the wait and the extra cost to keep all warranties in place after having one door fail already.
From the carpenter's viewpoint, a little more room is always appreciated, and in this case it's turning out to be an advantage, allowing more room for flashing at the top. With the stucco siding, it's always preferable to keep the old flashing in place, if possible.
A careful measure up had shown that the new doors stocked by our supplier were going to be too tall to fit the existing opening. Rather than trim them to fit, voiding the manufacturer's warranty, the customer opted to special order the shorter doors. They felt it was worth the wait and the extra cost to keep all warranties in place after having one door fail already.
From the carpenter's viewpoint, a little more room is always appreciated, and in this case it's turning out to be an advantage, allowing more room for flashing at the top. With the stucco siding, it's always preferable to keep the old flashing in place, if possible.