With our larger jobs completed and only a few small repairs pending, this has turned out to be a great time for some r. and r. This past weekend marked Leigh's birthday, which we celebrated in Portland. The weather cooperated and we were able to walk around and enjoy Portland's downtown. As always, Leigh and I were collecting design ideas; from the avant-funk of the Ace Hotel to the incredibly cool tile job in the bathroom at Stumptown espresso to the wonderfully maintained homes and apartments, there is a lot of great architecture to experience there. It's a city that shines in the details.
This week finds us catching up on a long list of chores and errands. A diverse list ranging from rebuilding the trailer to organizing a filing system to deal with the ever growing mound of paper in the corner. Not hard to guess which one of those chores I'll enjoy more!
It's a great time to get started planning a project to begin this coming Spring and Summer, so if you've got something you're considering, give us a call!
206.300.5891 or email [email protected]
This week finds us catching up on a long list of chores and errands. A diverse list ranging from rebuilding the trailer to organizing a filing system to deal with the ever growing mound of paper in the corner. Not hard to guess which one of those chores I'll enjoy more!
It's a great time to get started planning a project to begin this coming Spring and Summer, so if you've got something you're considering, give us a call!
206.300.5891 or email [email protected]